Order model is one of the most important in Sylius, where many concepts of e-commerce meet. It represents an order that can be either placed or in progress (cart).
Order holds a collection of OrderItem instances, which represent products from the shop, as its physical copies, with chosen variants and quantities.
Each Order is assigned to the channel in which it has been created as well as the language the customer was using while placing the order. The order currency code will be the base currency of the current channel by default.
How to create an Order programmatically?¶
To programmatically create an Order you will of course need a factory.
/** @var FactoryInterface $orderFactory */
$orderFactory = $this->container->get('sylius.factory.order');
/** @var OrderInterface $order */
$order = $orderFactory->createNew();
Then get a channel to which you would like to add your Order. You can get it from the context or from the repository by code for example.
/** @var ChannelInterface $channel */
$channel = $this->container->get('sylius.context.channel')->getChannel();
Next give your order a locale code.
/** @var string $localeCode */
$localeCode = $this->container->get('sylius.context.locale')->getLocaleCode();
And a currency code:
$currencyCode = $this->container->get('sylius.context.currency')->getCurrencyCode();
What is more the proper Order instance should also have the Customer assigned. You can get it from the repository by email.
/** @var CustomerInterface $customer */
$customer = $this->container->get('sylius.repository.customer')->findOneBy(['email' => '[email protected]']);
A very important part of creating an Order is adding OrderItems to it. Assuming that you have a Product with a ProductVariant assigned already in the system:
/** @var ProductVariantInterface $variant */
$variant = $this->container->get('sylius.repository.product_variant')->findOneBy([]);
// Instead of getting a specific variant from the repository
// you can get the first variant of off a product by using $product->getVariants()->first()
// or use the **VariantResolver** service - either the default one or your own.
// The default product variant resolver is available at id - 'sylius.product_variant_resolver.default'
/** @var OrderItemInterface $orderItem */
$orderItem = $this->container->get('sylius.factory.order_item')->createNew();
In order to change the amount of items use the OrderItemQuantityModifier.
$this->container->get('sylius.order_item_quantity_modifier')->modify($orderItem, 3);
You can also change maximum order item quantity parameter in config/services.xml
<!-- config/services.xml -->
<parameter key="sylius.order_item_quantity_modifier.limit">9999</parameter> # by default it is 9999
Add the item to the order. And then call the CompositeOrderProcessor on the order to have everything recalculated.
By default all the OrderProcessors only work on orders with state cart as the processing has been tailored to work in checkout. If you’d like to use that logic for orders with different states you will need to change the Order’s canBeProcessed method and probably apply other customizations fitting your case.
This CompositeOrderProcessor is one of the most powerful concepts. It handles whole order calculation logic and allows for really granular operations over the order. It is called multiple times in the checkout process, and internally it works like this:

Finally you have to save your order using the repository.
/** @var OrderRepositoryInterface $orderRepository */
$orderRepository = $this->container->get('sylius.repository.order');
The Order State Machine¶
Order has also its own state, which can have the following values:
- before the checkout is completed, it is the initial state of an Order,new
- when checkout is completed the cart is transformed into anew
- when the order payments and shipments are completed,cancelled
- when the order was cancelled.

The state machine of order is an obvious extension to the state machine of checkout.
Shipments of an Order¶
An Order in Sylius holds a collection of Shipments on it. Each shipment in that collection has its own shipping method and has its own state machine. This lets you divide an order into several different shipments that have own shipping states (like sending physical objects via DHL and sending a link to downloadable files via e-mail).
If you are not familiar with the shipments concept check the documentation.
State machine of Shipping in an Order¶

How to add a Shipment to an Order?¶
You will need to create a shipment, give it a desired shipping method and add it to the order. Remember to process the order using order processor and then flush the order manager.
/** @var ShipmentInterface $shipment */
$shipment = $this->container->get('sylius.factory.shipment')->createNew();
$shipment->setMethod($this->container->get('sylius.repository.shipping_method')->findOneBy(['code' => 'UPS']));
Shipping costs of an Order¶
Shipping costs of an order are stored as Adjustments. When a new shipment is added to a cart the order processor assigns a shipping adjustment to the order that holds the cost.
Shipping a Shipment with a state machine transition¶
Just like in every state machine you can execute its transitions manually. To ship a shipment of an order you have to apply
two transitions request_shipping
and ship
$stateMachineFactory = $this->container->get('sm.factory');
$stateMachine = $stateMachineFactory->get($order, OrderShippingTransitions::GRAPH);
After that the shippingState
of your order will be shipped
Payments of an Order¶
An Order in Sylius holds a collection of Payments on it. Each payment in that collection has its own payment method and has its own payment state. It lets you to divide paying for an order into several different methods that have own payment states.
If you are not familiar with the Payments concept check the documentation.
State machine of Payment in an Order¶

How to add a Payment to an Order?¶
You will need to create a payment, give it a desired payment method and add it to the order. Remember to process the order using order processor and then flush the order manager.
/** @var PaymentInterface $payment */
$payment = $this->container->get('sylius.factory.payment')->createNew();
$payment->setMethod($this->container->get('sylius.repository.payment_method')->findOneBy(['code' => 'offline']));
Completing a Payment with a state machine transition¶
Just like in every state machine you can execute its transitions manually. To pay for a payment of an order you have to apply
two transitions request_payment
and pay
$stateMachineFactory = $this->container->get('sm.factory');
$stateMachine = $stateMachineFactory->get($order, OrderPaymentTransitions::GRAPH);
If it was the only payment assigned to that order now the paymentState
of your order will be paid
Creating an Order via admin panel¶
After installing the Sylius/AdminOrderCreationPlugin it is possible to create Orders for a chosen Customer from the administrator perspective.
You will be able to choose any products, assign custom prices for items, choose payment and shipping methods. Moreover it is possible to reorder an order that has already been placed.
Customer Order operations: reorder & cancellation¶
With the usage of other Sylius official plugins your Customers will be able to:
cancel unpaid Orders in the “My Account” section -> Customer Order Cancellation Plugin
reorder one of their previously placed Orders -> Customer Reorder Plugin