How to add another implementation of UnitRefundInterface?¶


This cookbook describes customization of a feature available only with Sylius/RefundPlugin installed.

Why would you add a new unit?¶

In the current implementation, there are 2 basic unit refunds in RefundPlugin:

  • OrderItemUnitRefund

  • ShipmentRefund

But what if you want to refund something else, or refund the whole item instead of the item unit? Hopefully, you’ll do it quite easily by creating a new implementation of UnitRefundInterface and a few tagged services that will make use of it.

How to implement a new unit refund?¶

Let’s say that you don’t operate on item units, but you want to refund entire items. You will need to create a new refund model that will implement UnitRefundInterface. To do so, a few things need to be done. Besides creating the OrderItemRefund, we will also need to create a new refund type and make everything work together.

1. Create a new refund type:

This has been already described in the (How to add another type of refund?)[custom-type-of-refund] cookbook. The code for the new refund type is as follows:



namespace App\Entity\Refund;

class RefundType extends \Sylius\RefundPlugin\Model\RefundType
    public const ORDER_ITEM = 'order_item';

    public static function orderItem(): self
        return new self(self::ORDER_ITEM);

Then the RefundEnumType needs to base on our new RefundType:



namespace App\Entity\Refund\Type;

use App\Entity\Refund\RefundType;
use Sylius\RefundPlugin\Model\RefundTypeInterface;

final class RefundEnumType extends \Sylius\RefundPlugin\Entity\Type\RefundEnumType
    protected function createType($value): RefundTypeInterface
        return new RefundType($value);

To make it work, we change the value of two parameters to the following:

    sylius_refund.refund_enum_type: App\Entity\Refund\Type\RefundEnumType
    sylius_refund.refund_type: App\Entity\Refund\RefundType

2. Add a new unit refund:

Now, having the new refund type, we can create a new refund model implementing UnitRefundInterface:



namespace App\Entity\Refund;

use Sylius\RefundPlugin\Model\UnitRefundInterface;

final class OrderItemRefund implements UnitRefundInterface
    public function __construct(private int $itemId, private int $total)

    public function id(): int
        return $this->itemId;

    public function total(): int
        return $this->total;

    public static function type(): RefundType
        return RefundType::orderItem();

3. Disable OrderItemUnitRefund:

As our new behavior bases on the order items, we need to disable the current behavior that is based on the order item units. We can achieve that by disabling the converters and the refunder by removing tags from the services:

    tags: []

    tags: []

    tags: []

4. Create the OrderItemTotalProvider:

RefundPlugin doesn’t know anything about order items, so we need to tell them how to retrieve the total of the order.



namespace App\Provider;

use Sylius\Component\Core\Model\OrderItemInterface;
use Sylius\Resource\Doctrine\Persistence\RepositoryInterface;
use Sylius\RefundPlugin\Provider\RefundUnitTotalProviderInterface;
use Webmozart\Assert\Assert;

final class OrderItemTotalProvider implements RefundUnitTotalProviderInterface
    public function __construct(private RepositoryInterface $orderItemRepository)

    public function getRefundUnitTotal(int $id): int
        /** @var OrderItemInterface $orderItem */
        $orderItem = $this->orderItemRepository->find($id);

        return $orderItem->getTotal();

As you can see, it just gets the order item and returns its total. Now a piece of configuration:

        - '@sylius.repository.order_item'
    tags: [{ name: 'sylius_refund.refund_unit_total_provider', refund_type: 'order_item' }]

5. Create the ItemRefunded event with a listener:

As we are refunding the order items, we need to update the payment state of the order. The event itself will be dispatched by the OrderItemsRefunder later.

The ItemRefunded event is as follows:



namespace App\Event;

class ItemRefunded
    public function __construct(private string $orderNumber)

    public function orderNumber(): string
        return $this->orderNumber;

the listener:



namespace App\Listener;

use App\Event\ItemRefunded;
use Sylius\RefundPlugin\StateResolver\OrderPartiallyRefundedStateResolverInterface;

final class ItemRefundedEventListener
    public function __construct(private OrderPartiallyRefundedStateResolverInterface $orderPartiallyRefundedStateResolver)

    public function __invoke(ItemRefunded $itemRefunded): void

and the configuration:

        - '@Sylius\RefundPlugin\StateResolver\OrderPartiallyRefundedStateResolverInterface'
    tags: [{ name: 'messenger.message_handler', bus: 'sylius.event_bus' }]

6. Create the OrderItemsRefunder:

Refunder will make use of previously created event by dispatching it at the end of refunding process. The refunding process basically processes the OrderItemRefund objects one by one to create a refund for each of them.



namespace App\Refunder;

use App\Entity\Refund\OrderItemRefund;
use App\Event\ItemRefunded;
use Sylius\RefundPlugin\Creator\RefundCreatorInterface;
use Sylius\RefundPlugin\Filter\UnitRefundFilterInterface;
use Sylius\RefundPlugin\Model\UnitRefundInterface;
use Sylius\RefundPlugin\Refunder\RefunderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Messenger\MessageBusInterface;

final class OrderItemsRefunder implements RefunderInterface
    public function __construct(
        private RefundCreatorInterface $refundCreator,
        private MessageBusInterface $eventBus,
        private UnitRefundFilterInterface $unitRefundFilter,
    ) {

    public function refundFromOrder(array $units, string $orderNumber): int
        $units = $this->unitRefundFilter->filterUnitRefunds($units, OrderItemRefund::class);
        $refundedTotal = 0;

        /** @var UnitRefundInterface $unit */
        foreach ($units as $unit) {

            $refundedTotal += $unit->total();

        $this->eventBus->dispatch(new ItemRefunded($orderNumber));

        return $refundedTotal;

Now add a tag to the service:

        - '@Sylius\RefundPlugin\Creator\RefundCreatorInterface'
        - '@sylius.event_bus'
        - '@Sylius\RefundPlugin\Filter\UnitRefundFilterInterface'
    tags: ['sylius_refund.refunder']

7. Create the OrderItemLineItemsConverter:

RefundPlugin generates a credit memo based on a refund that was made. However, as it’s handled under the hood by processing line items, we need to provide a converter that will convert the OrderItemRefund objects to the LineItem objects.



namespace App\Converter;

use App\Entity\Refund\OrderItemRefund;
use Sylius\Component\Core\Model\OrderItemInterface;
use Sylius\Resource\Doctrine\Persistence\RepositoryInterface;
use Sylius\RefundPlugin\Converter\LineItemsConverterUnitRefundAwareInterface;
use Sylius\RefundPlugin\Entity\LineItem;
use Sylius\RefundPlugin\Entity\LineItemInterface;
use Sylius\RefundPlugin\Provider\TaxRateProviderInterface;
use Webmozart\Assert\Assert;

final class OrderItemLineItemsConverter implements LineItemsConverterUnitRefundAwareInterface
    public function __construct(
        private RepositoryInterface $orderItemRepository,
        private TaxRateProviderInterface $taxRateProvider
    ) {

    public function convert(array $units): array
        Assert::allIsInstanceOf($units, $this->getUnitRefundClass());

        $lineItems = [];

        /** @var OrderItemRefund $unit */
        foreach ($units as $unit) {
            $lineItems = $this->addLineItem($this->convertUnitRefundToLineItem($unit), $lineItems);

        return $lineItems;

    public function getUnitRefundClass(): string
        return OrderItemRefund::class;

    private function convertUnitRefundToLineItem(OrderItemRefund $unitRefund): LineItemInterface
        /** @var OrderItemInterface|null $orderItem */
        $orderItem = $this->orderItemRepository->find($unitRefund->id());
        Assert::lessThanEq($unitRefund->total(), $orderItem->getTotal());

        $grossValue = $unitRefund->total();
        $taxAmount = (int) ($grossValue * $orderItem->getTaxTotal() / $orderItem->getTotal());
        $netValue = $grossValue - $taxAmount;

        /** @var string|null $productName */
        $productName = $orderItem->getProductName();

        return new LineItem(

     * @param LineItemInterface[] $lineItems
     * @return LineItemInterface[]
    private function addLineItem(LineItemInterface $newLineItem, array $lineItems): array
        foreach ($lineItems as $lineItem) {
            if ($lineItem->compare($newLineItem)) {

                return $lineItems;

        $lineItems[] = $newLineItem;

        return $lineItems;

and the configuration:

        - '@sylius.repository.order_item'
        - '@Sylius\RefundPlugin\Provider\TaxRateProviderInterface'
    tags: ['sylius_refund.line_item_converter']

8. Create the RequestToOrderItemRefundConverter:

Similar to the previous step, we need to provide a converter that will convert the request to the OrderItemRefund objects.



namespace App\Converter;

use App\Entity\Refund\OrderItemRefund;
use Sylius\RefundPlugin\Converter\RefundUnitsConverterInterface;
use Sylius\RefundPlugin\Converter\RequestToRefundUnitsConverterInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;

final class RequestToOrderItemRefundConverter implements RequestToRefundUnitsConverterInterface
    public function __construct(private RefundUnitsConverterInterface $refundUnitsConverter)

     * @return OrderItemRefund[]
    public function convert(Request $request): array
        return $this->refundUnitsConverter->convert(
            $request->request->all()['sylius_refund_items'] ?? [],

and the configuration:

        - '@Sylius\RefundPlugin\Converter\RefundUnitsConverterInterface'
    tags: ['sylius_refund.request_to_refund_units_converter']

It’s almost done! If you want to be able to refund the order items in the admin panel, one more step is needed.

9. Adjust the order refund form to the current state:

Under the templates/Admin/OrderRefund directory, create the _items.html.twig file. The template could look like this:

{% import '@SyliusAdmin/Common/Macro/money.html.twig' as money %}

{% for item in order.items %}
    {% set variant = item.variant %}
    {% set product = variant.product %}
    <tr class="unit">
        <td class="single line">
            {% include '@SyliusAdmin/Product/_info.html.twig' %}
        <td class="right aligned total">
            <span class="unit-total">{{ money.format(, order.currencyCode) }}</span>
            {% set refundedTotal = unit_refunded_total(, constant('App\\Entity\\Refund\\RefundType::ORDER_ITEM')) %}
            {% if refundedTotal != 0 %}
                <strong>{{ 'sylius_refund.ui.refunded'|trans }}:</strong>
                <span class="unit-refunded-total">{{ money.format(refundedTotal, order.currencyCode) }}</span>
            {% endif %}
        <td class="aligned collapsing partial-refund">
            {% set inputName = "sylius_refund_items[""][amount]" %}
            {% set hiddenInputName = "sylius_refund_items[""][partial-id]" %}

            <div class="ui labeled input">
                <div class="ui label">{{ order.currencyCode|sylius_currency_symbol }}</div>
                <input data-refund-input type="number" step="0.01" name="{{ inputName }}" {% if not can_unit_be_refunded(, constant('App\\Entity\\Refund\\RefundType::ORDER_ITEM')) %} disabled{% endif %}/>
        <td class="aligned collapsing">
            <button data-refund="{{ unit_refund_left(, constant('App\\Entity\\Refund\\RefundType::ORDER_ITEM'), }}" type="button" class="ui button primary" {% if not can_unit_be_refunded(, constant('App\\Entity\\Refund\\RefundType::ORDER_ITEM')) %}disabled{% endif %}>
                {{ 'sylius_refund.ui.refund'|trans }}
{% endfor %}

The template above will be used in sylius_refund.admin.order.refund.form.table.body template event as e.g. custom_items block. Remember to disable items block, which handles order item units by the occasion.

                items: false
                    template: "Admin/OrderRefund/_items.html.twig"
                    priority: 10

Great! Now you can refund the order items instead order item units in the admin panel.