How to customize a Credit Memo?¶
Customizing a downloadable credit memo is a really common task, which leverages the extendability of traditional Symfony applications. This cookbook includes four exemplary customizations with a varying degree of difficulty and impact.
Customizing Credit Memo’s template¶
The first exemplary customization is to change background color of the heading of line items table.
1. Copy vendor/sylius/refund-plugin/src/Resources/views/Download/creditMemo.html.twig
into templates/bundles/SyliusRefundPlugin/Download/creditMemo.html.twig
2. Change CSS styling included in the template:
<style> /* ... */ .credit-memo table tr.heading td { background: #0d71bb; border-bottom: 1px solid #ddd; font-weight: bold; } /* ... */ </style>
How to change the logo in the Credit Memo?¶
Credit Memo’s logo is by default displayed as Sylius logo.
Changing it is done by modifying the SYLIUS_REFUND_LOGO_FILE
environment variable.
You can achieve that by updating it’s path in your .env
file like in example below:
Make sure to clear the cache each time the configuration is changed.

How to add more graphics to the Credit Memo?¶
In case you would like to add an extra graphic to your Credit Memo twig template, it is super important to provide access to this file.
Let’s say you would like to add second image to the Credit Memo.
You may face the problem that wkhtmltopdf
from version 0.12.6 disables access to the local files by default.
Fortunately, there are two options to deal with it:
Update the
file by adding access to local files globally:knp_snappy: pdf: options: enable-local-file-access: true
Specify the exact list of accessible files. As you may have noticed, the logo displays correctly even though local file access is not enabled. This is because we handle it by specifying the exact list of allowed files. The list can be replaced with the
parameter in theconfig/packages/_sylius.yaml
:sylius_refund: pdf_generator: allowed_files: - '%env(default:default_logo_file:resolve:SYLIUS_REFUND_LOGO_FILE)%' - 'path/image.png' - 'directory/with/allowed/files'
Displaying additional Customer’s data on Credit Memo¶
There might be some cases in which you want to get access to order or customer data.
You can access these through creditMemo.order
or creditMemo.order.customer
1. Copy vendor/sylius/refund-plugin/src/Resources/views/Download/creditMemo.html.twig
into templates/bundles/SyliusRefundPlugin/Download/creditMemo.html.twig
2. Customize buyer’s data included in the template:
<td> {{ 'sylius_refund.ui.buyer'|trans([], 'messages', creditMemo.localeCode) }}<br/> <strong>{{ from.fullName }} </strong><br/> <!-- ... --> {{ creditMemo.order.customer.phoneNumber }}<br/> <!-- ... --> </td>
Displaying additional line item data (such as gross unit price) on Credit Memo¶
By default, a credit memo does not include unit gross price in the line items table - however, it is provided within line items data included with credit memo.
1. Copy vendor/sylius/refund-plugin/src/Resources/views/Download/creditMemo.html.twig
into templates/bundles/SyliusRefundPlugin/Download/creditMemo.html.twig
2. Customize products table data by adding one column in the template:
<tr class="heading"> <!-- ... --> <td>{{ 'sylius_refund.ui.unit_net_price'|trans([], 'messages', creditMemo.localeCode) }}</td> <td>{{ 'app.ui.unit_gross_price'|trans([], 'messages', creditMemo.localeCode) }}</td> <td>{{ 'sylius_refund.ui.net_value'|trans([], 'messages', creditMemo.localeCode) }}</td> <!-- ... --> </tr> {% for item in creditMemo.lineItems %} <tr class="item"> <!-- ... --> <td>{{ '%0.2f'|format(item.unitNetPrice/100) }}</td> <td>{{ '%0.2f'|format(item.unitGrossPrice/100) }}</td> <td>{{ '%0.2f'|format(item.netValue/100) }}</td> <!-- ... --> </tr> {% endfor %}
3. Add missing translations for newly added string in translations/messages.en.yml
app: ui: unit_gross_price: Unit gross price
Displaying additional elements on Credit Memo¶
This section applies only for RefundPlugin in version v1.0.0-RC.10 or above.
There might be a case when you want to extend the credit memo with additional field.
1. Copy vendor/sylius/refund-plugin/src/Resources/views/Download/creditMemo.html.twig
into templates/bundles/SyliusRefundPlugin/Download/creditMemo.html.twig
2. Customize credit memo template to include the reason:
<div class="credit-memo"> Reason: {{ creditMemo.reason }} <!-- ... --> </div>
3. Override the default credit memo model in src/Entity/Refund/CreditMemo.php
<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace App\Entity\Refund; use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM; use Sylius\RefundPlugin\Entity\CreditMemo as BaseCreditMemo; /** * @ORM\Entity * @ORM\Table(name="sylius_refund_credit_memo") */ class CreditMemo extends BaseCreditMemo { /** * @ORM\Column * * @var string|null */ private $reason; public function getReason(): ?string { return $this->reason; } public function setReason(?string $reason): void { $this->reason = $reason; } }
4. Configure ResourceBundle to use overridden model in config/packages/sylius_refund.yaml
sylius_resource: resources: sylius_refund.credit_memo: classes: model: App\Entity\Refund\CreditMemo
5. Assuming that your database was up-to-date before these changes, create a proper migration and use it:
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff
php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
6. Decorate credit memo generator to set the reason while generating the invoice. Create a class in src/Refund/CreditMemoGenerator.php
<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace App\Refund; use App\Entity\Refund\CreditMemo; use Sylius\Component\Core\Model\OrderInterface; use Sylius\RefundPlugin\Entity\CreditMemoInterface; use Sylius\RefundPlugin\Generator\CreditMemoGeneratorInterface; final class CreditMemoGenerator implements CreditMemoGeneratorInterface { /** @var CreditMemoGeneratorInterface */ private $creditMemoGenerator; public function __construct(CreditMemoGeneratorInterface $creditMemoGenerator) { $this->creditMemoGenerator = $creditMemoGenerator; } public function generate(OrderInterface $order, int $total, array $units, array $shipments, string $comment): CreditMemoInterface { /** @var CreditMemo $creditMemo */ $creditMemo = $this->creditMemoGenerator->generate($order, $total, $units, $shipments, $comment); $creditMemo->setReason('Charged too much'); return $creditMemo; } }
7. And then configure Symfony’s dependency injection to use that class in config/services.yaml
services: # ... App\Refund\CreditMemoGenerator: decorates: 'Sylius\RefundPlugin\Generator\CreditMemoGenerator' arguments: - '@App\Refund\CreditMemoGenerator.inner'
Displaying additional elements on Credit Memo by embedding a controller¶
There might be times when you want to calculate some extra data on-the-fly or get some which are not connected on entity level with credit memo.
1. Copy vendor/sylius/refund-plugin/src/Resources/views/Download/creditMemo.html.twig
into templates/bundles/SyliusRefundPlugin/Download/creditMemo.html.twig
2. Embed a controller in the credit memo template:
<div class="credit-memo"> Some unique data: {{ render(controller('App\\Controller\\FooController::extraData', { 'creditMemo': creditMemo })) }} <!-- ... --> </div>
3. Create the referenced controller in a file called src/Controller/FooController.php
<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace App\Controller; use Sylius\RefundPlugin\Entity\CreditMemoInterface; use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response; use Twig\Environment; final class FooController { /** @var Environment */ private $twig; public function __construct(Environment $twig) { $this->twig = $twig; } public function extraData(CreditMemoInterface $creditMemo): Response { return new Response($this->twig->render('CreditMemo/extraData.html.twig', [ 'creditMemo' => $creditMemo, // Customise it to your needs, this one makes no sense 'extraData' => $creditMemo->getNetValueTotal() * random_int(0, 42), ])); } }
4. Created the template referenced in the controller in a file called templates/CreditMemo/extraData.html.twig
<strong>{{ extraData }}</strong>