How to add a custom cart promotion action?¶

Let’s assume that you would like to have a cart promotion that gives 100% discount on the cheapest item in the cart.

See what steps need to be taken to achieve that:

Create a new cart promotion action¶

You will need a new class CheapestProductDiscountPromotionActionCommand.

It will give a discount equal to the unit price of the cheapest item. That’s why it needs to have the Proportional Distributor and the Adjustments Applicator. The execute method applies the discount and distributes it properly on the totals. This class needs also a isConfigurationValid() method which was omitted in the snippet below.


namespace App\Promotion\Action;

use Sylius\Component\Core\Promotion\Action\DiscountPromotionActionCommand;

class CheapestProductDiscountPromotionActionCommand extends DiscountPromotionActionCommand
    const TYPE = 'cheapest_item_discount';

     * @var ProportionalIntegerDistributorInterface
    private $proportionalDistributor;

     * @var UnitsPromotionAdjustmentsApplicatorInterface
    private $unitsPromotionAdjustmentsApplicator;

     * @param ProportionalIntegerDistributorInterface $proportionalIntegerDistributor
     * @param UnitsPromotionAdjustmentsApplicatorInterface $unitsPromotionAdjustmentsApplicator
    public function __construct(
        ProportionalIntegerDistributorInterface $proportionalIntegerDistributor,
        UnitsPromotionAdjustmentsApplicatorInterface $unitsPromotionAdjustmentsApplicator
    ) {
        $this->proportionalDistributor = $proportionalIntegerDistributor;
        $this->unitsPromotionAdjustmentsApplicator = $unitsPromotionAdjustmentsApplicator;

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function execute(PromotionSubjectInterface $subject, array $configuration, PromotionInterface $promotion)
        if (!$subject instanceof OrderInterface) {
            throw new UnexpectedTypeException($subject, OrderInterface::class);

        $items = $subject->getItems();

        $cheapestItem = $items->first();

        $itemsTotals = [];

        foreach ($items as $item) {
            $itemsTotals[] = $item->getTotal();

            $cheapestItem = ($item->getVariant()->getPrice() < $cheapestItem->getVariant()->getPrice()) ? $item : $cheapestItem;

        $splitPromotion = $this->proportionalDistributor->distribute($itemsTotals, -1 * $cheapestItem->getVariant()->getPrice());
        $this->unitsPromotionAdjustmentsApplicator->apply($subject, $promotion, $splitPromotion);

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getConfigurationFormType()
        return CheapestProductDiscountConfigurationType::class;

Prepare a configuration form type for the admin panel¶

The new action needs a form type to be available in the admin panel, while creating a new cart promotion.


namespace App\Form\Type\Action;

use Symfony\Component\Form\AbstractType;

class CheapestProductDiscountConfigurationType extends AbstractType
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function getBlockPrefix()
        return 'app_promotion_action_cheapest_product_discount_configuration';

Register the action as a service¶

In the config/services.yaml configure:

# config/services.yaml
    class: App\Promotion\Action\CheapestProductDiscountPromotionActionCommand
    arguments: ['@sylius.proportional_integer_distributor', '@sylius.promotion.units_promotion_adjustments_applicator']
        - { name: sylius.promotion_action, type: cheapest_product_discount, form_type: App\Form\Type\Action\CheapestProductDiscountConfigurationType, label: Cheapest product discount }

Register the form type as a service¶

In the config/services.yaml configure:

# config/services.yaml
    class: App\Form\Type\Action\CheapestProductDiscountConfigurationType
        - { name: form.type }

Create a new cart promotion with your action¶

Go to the admin panel of your system. On the /admin/promotions/new url you can create a new promotion.

In its configuration you can choose your new “Cheapest product discount” action.

That’s all. Done!

Learn more¶